Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cost For Catering 150 People

Whether generous

this new year, this is what I wish us all.

Let our sites are progressing well,
that our health is spared,
that our families are happy and healthy, we win
finally euromillion
(not all at the same time if possible ...),
there have fewer very poor
less rich,
a job for everyone,
we arrive in May to the rescue little democracy we have left
(I stop, I turn me on)

Oh, I forgot, most do not take the wheel, no good resolutions, under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, you would regret very soon;)

Good evening to all and next year

Let the fun begin!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

How To Get Shiney Rayquaza

the Quiz to the Quiz to rubble

Well, I'm hot then made the second Interro peter!

's go!
1 - How did you get the crazy idea of starting an adventure of renovation:

Bah, limited budget and ambition! We did not want a house or other subdivision bouyguesque stuff like that. We wanted a big old house with garden cheap ... cheap? Not renovated then!
Estelle grew up in a house under construction so it was not shocked. And me, I like dirty pognes ...

2 - What has sucked the reaction of those around you to the announcement of good news:
The family was nice, she did not want to demoralize us, "j'me not realize ... j can 't imagine, but it will be great ... well, you're great, you know what you do ... "
The distant friends are super happy for us but great hurry as it ends, because there, sleeping level is a little roots.
It has brought us closer to some friends here, as one is not native to the region, it showed that we remain in the corner for a while.

3 - What was the mood with your future neighbors at first contact:
Very polite, the neighbor is the sister of our neighbor when we rented before so she already knew about stuff us! They are terrible these older, they all want to know where you came from and why you came, and after it's quiet. In addition they are happy to see young people move into the neighborhood, it shows that their village is not dying. If this is the "little young brave" and more ...
For younger nickel. Our neighbors across the street (who also renovated their home) have become friends.

4 - What is the biggest ball you feel you made on your site:
Nothing really serious.
Still, it would align the skylight on the ridge line rather than on the rafters as we no longer see the paneling. It is not quite right here ...
And also, if we had the backing of the roof before falling off the floor, it would have saved a scaffolding ...
We will surely make more ...

5 - Have you sought help during your work:
Yes, yes, full! It has been well supported and well advised, friends and family. Thank you! The list is here . It still tries to make a maximum of thing alone, but we can not know everything and there really should be several times!

6 - What is the task you're most proud of (e) to have done:
Bah, it's not finished, so it's not an easy question.
Already, there has never set any deadlines!
I would also say we are very pleased with our ceilings / floors. Beams and the floor, it shakes!

7 - What is the one you're the least proud of (e):
The shuttering of the small window at the top of the street. It is all rotten. Anyway, the carpenter has managed to raise the window, the plasterboard will hide inside, and they will catch up to the coup when the outside will redo the facade ... Mason is not my vocation!

8 - What support or assistance have you received from your spouse (moral support, criticism, encouragement ........):
We bump them both on the house then we are in the same boat ... We discuss all before, but it happens not to work together (there should be a leader on a construction site) so we each have our tasks. Me it is rather the structural work and plasterboard, Estelle is more stains, sanding and elec. But we help each other anyway ... ;)

9 - Have you experienced marital problems during your work:
Well, when you lump together is scolding assured, then we bump together anymore and that's fine. It's been long time we're both, then this is a test again!

10 - How was your renovation: a set of galleys? a nightmare? hell? of happiness, just happiness?
All this at a time. Galley when we wake up and the house is flooded (evac mouthful), nightmare when you realize that a wall crack (the one that supports the two roofs), hell when you see the time and energy already provided and what remains to be done, happiness when we moved into a new room, nothing but happiness when we sum all of that and we gradually became aware that we will have a beautiful house ... one day, oh yes one day!

11 - On the Richter scale, with 9 levels, where do you see the final result of your work, from a standpoint of personal satisfaction means, think that your spouse, your zamis (e) your family, yer mutt ..............
For now, the house is the result of an earthquake of at least level 5 ... But what we like is done at 8 or 9.
Others find it nice, but we regularly ask if we have not tired of living in a yard and if we should not move faster to not get bored. (Bin why? Pasta ... it's good to dust and plaster before shampoo?) More serious is not that the renovation in life, and should not be disgusted either!
Otherwise the dog eagerly awaits the stairs (she climbs not to scale) and she would prefer the sofa ' Interim pile of plasterboard is closer to the stove!

12 - The blog for you, is there a way to escape, to communicate, learn, to criticize, to express your pride, your pride (Houlala!), To escape yer half? or other joyeusetées the same style ..........
All the time, except for what is to escape from my better half, she oversees all!
was not the initial goal but finally it allows to exchange and especially to feel less alone in the dust. There is even a little proud of the passage.

rubble for this quiz that helped make a good record year-end. Now that everyone knows everything You make me feel naked me!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What Does Stinger Emu Boots Mean


Passing on the blog rubble, I came across his quizzes (which I will soon). It reminded me that I had still not that of Mister Siyadurocksava copy of which is here ...
I glue myself away:

Question 1: How long have you renovate your house?
since October 2004. For the "main", 3-4 months of demolition and since we try to rebuild.
whole party barn is to be done (kitchen, bathroom ... pffffff).

Question 2: What did you do first after signing?
We opened our door with our keys and was rebuilt around our house. 5 minutes later we drank at the pub! Just after treasure hunt ...

Question 3: What was the worst surprise of the house?
No treasure.
Seriously, we hesitate between:

1 - floor joists and all that died of deaths among under-sized and frankly (they're still a bit suspect, it was "flexible").
2 - the main drain that clogs regularly (every 15 days) and therefore must be broken to change ...
3 - the chimney is just under the beam of the farm and the ridge beam of the barn. Ca crack so we will support the beams in the coming month.

Question 4: What was the best surprise of the house?
A beautiful green enamel wood stove (useless but very decorative) that is always the 1st floor of the barn! What an idea to store up!?!?

Question No. 5: In what part of the house have you given your first sledgehammer blow?
It tore the floor of the attic (above the current room).

Question 6: Your biggest sore on your site?
No big bobos, knock on wood ...
scratches, cuts, hammering on his fingers ... full!
Oh, I still failed to plant a Crossette in the skull of Estelle. I did it fall from the scaffolding, it increased to 10 cm from his head to go crashing into the floor. (Since it is ultra gaff).

Question No. 7: The most bizarre thing happened to you on your site?
The pounds of nuts we took on the face by removing the false ceilings. Surely the hiding of a dormouse we were told ...

Question No. 8: The volume or weight of rubbish you have vacated your site?
Approximately 25m3 in my opinion, prosecutors included (that we could not burn). It has burned more wood "burnable" and a lot of rubble buried under the yoke of the ROC.

Question 9: At this stage of your renovation do you regret having signed?
Absolutely not! It will not render any account of the extent of work but it does not matter. What a pleasure to see the house be rebuilt gradually.

Question 10: How did you get the idea to do a blog on your renovation?
We had just learned what a blog thanks to the new job like Estelle and the family is away from us, we have found it convenient to send them a little dust without 15 th messages. Finally it is not them who go the most, but it allowed us to meet a merry band of bloggers renovation.

Question 11: Are the comments are important to you?
Yes very important. It motivates them to keep the blog updated, it's been great fun, it helps a little to get started when you do not taste too. Plus it's nice to see that other people we s'interressent to our work.

Question 12: Will you see other blog renovation?
No, no, boss, it never swore.
In fact, if you go to see lots there anyone in the sidebar (at radius "It is not Only !!!") and most of those they cite, etc., etc..

Trap Question: In your opinion what are the two people who want to meet this little test on their blog?
I'd say D & O (they are two, they count double, right?).

Thank Siyadurocksava for this little quiz very nice, it allowed us to tour the "old" memories , it was very nice.;)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Broken Humerus C-section

acomplie Misson!

So, as announced in the previous post, this morning, motivated, we tackled the plasterboard and hop, 2-stroke 3 movements (a bit more anyway), it was done. A huge thank you to my neighbor (seasoned renovator) who gave me the tab for any pose. There's been no problem, all cuts are passed on the first try and 13h had finished:)
Now we can go on a quiet weekend.
I'll return next week windows in the evening after work, argh!, the holidays are almost finished: (

Panning is crappy but it looks very good for real, they are happy the Yelk;)
We spotted the plates for better rigidity, the wall is no longer a "homogenous block" in this way. Plates missing after it because I do not know yet exactly where the wall will fall on the other wall, it will wait a bit.
For cons, I'm gonna have fun with the seals, pfff, I for 6 months ... and again ...

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas with lots of practical gifts;)
We will show our new tools after the holidays, lol

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Active Sound Blaster Mb

Tomorrow placo!

After yesterday went to store in the house, today we have asked the few amounts made under the small window and put the insulation still missed here and there.

A Wee photo of Estelle in action, it's pretty nice to not be the only one scratching, mouarf!

So you're ready, tomorrow plate, the timing is right, we should have finished the wall before leaving for the holidays:)
In addition, with the number of round-trip on the scaffold , I figured the abs again! lol! ouch, it hurts when j'rigole!

Note the verticality of the wall ... I went down and I stuck 30cm arrived at the top ... Z'avaient not the straight shooter at the time, or he was very depressed!

Well, j'retourne store all my mess in order to attack the placo tomorrow at dawn not too late.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hor Dourves Pieces Per Person

It continues ...

So the second day of climbing: It's going
, the trick to map the lines work well, the partition is rigid. As a friend said "It will not fly!"
Though I be as specific as possible, I still have a few cm, which wanders from one end to another across the width of the wall, but the vertical is nickel! :) Otherwise, no big problems ...
... So far so good
It is well advanced, but we're happy we died of hunger and fatigue. We're going to collapse Battlestar Galactica with a pizza.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I Have Warts On My Labia

It's been a long time ...

... we had not seen a lot of rails.
Advantage is a holiday to tackle the wall of the first floor street side aka the north face of Evrest. This is a site that I worried a bit because supermarkets and tall so must be as specific as possible. Too messy ending up with a list of a few cm when the top or a wall that undulates.

I started by spotting my vertical and my horizontal to ask the first level amounts. Once the mark "3m high" (high amounts) scored, I made holes (it was long as it, is ..) while the 50 cm "maper" of lines (and yes, I 've yet) to fix the rails and securing the well wall to wall. I also made a series of hangers screwed to the wall at shoulder height (I think it is the height where it rests on a wall so there it is necessary to strengthen the most;)). Tomorrow, the second level posts and frames 2 windows ... if all goes well;)

Let us all spare a thought for my drill that did not survive past 12 miserable holes. He was 2 years old and had served more than (all the holes for the beams and joists, chimney, Planing on various openings for doors ...). It was really cheap (25 euros) and strong so I used the same;)
... I'm gonna open it anyway to see what he has, you never know;)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Example Of Letter For Franchise

Stained Glass 2 ... Return

As promised ...
I went to my second window during the afternoon. I started by cutting my boss. It's great galley scissors weird that cut of 5 mm wide (nearly had me a bulb). Anyway, it's done. After he had put the number and color on my block and every little piece of cardboard. And then I started the real job by the red glass. We must take the glass falls (my glass veins therefore note the direction), and find tips to cut it.

Cutting, as it is right it's going. After grinding it is the song (pictured right) and look-through that nothing exceeds the cardboard template (otherwise it will hamper the joint). And here is finished with red ... 2h already that I am? Bon bah after January 7th!

What Can U Get When U Have A Sinus Infection?

Here we go again!

As I did not have my board saving, I did it. It is certainly not as beautiful and as well as cut to order but is not very serious, we had planned to corner guards (this fabulous piece of wood finishes that saves all of a renovator amateur, consume without moderation!). It has been
Anisi finish all the hopper of the stairs. Note the bevel cuts on the floorboards ... a joy;) was also able to insulation and some patches waiting to finish the pieces of side walls stairs ... so we could put our whole mess against the wall and then recirculated in the living room (everything is relative, eh!) ... more importantly see these horrible amounts ... Yess!
good, bah now must do the same on the 1st floor on the big wall street side (6m wide and 4.5m to 5.5m high). It will not be of the pie ... Fortunately, I'm on vacation all this week:)))