Whaa dust here is worse than ours!
Well, after all this time, you've all seen that we had a beautiful stained glass? It is one
Finally some ptits stuff to tell:) Nothing to marvel
not eh, it just gives them.
We confess, in 7 months was not fucking with nothing fucked up, but then nothing (well at work because, otherwise, it was full of cool stuff but do not advance the Schmilblick).
So I said, it was quietly taken the last weekend, with the program:
-Estelle, installation of new outlets which operate on the entire plateau (yes!!) And the perennial sanding of the beam above the mezzanine (with harness and climbing cow, it's safer)
-for me, a lil shot mechanic with the rails of the future septum above the ground floor staircase-1 (with nothing in a vacuum, on tiptoe at the top of the scale, it is less conservative) and the end of the hopper of the mezzanine.
For once, it went well, the beam starts to look good and the wall is straight (better!) and ready to be isolated. It was reasoned that because once finished wall (...) we will finally put a staircase! Because there ... fed scales dangerous at night ...
Those are all small news, normally we're back and we'll have more stuff soon to tell :) PS Well, after all this time, you've all seen that we had a beautiful stained glass? It is one
Finally some ptits stuff to tell:) Nothing to marvel
not eh, it just gives them.
We confess, in 7 months was not fucking with nothing fucked up, but then nothing (well at work because, otherwise, it was full of cool stuff but do not advance the Schmilblick).
So I said, it was quietly taken the last weekend, with the program:

-for me, a lil shot mechanic with the rails of the future septum above the ground floor staircase-1 (with nothing in a vacuum, on tiptoe at the top of the scale, it is less conservative) and the end of the hopper of the mezzanine.

: THANKS TO ALL AND ALL for your mail and your coms (and even anonymous impatient eh Siya!;)) That made us really happy to see that even when we say nothing you still go for news, so thank you again the z'amis miles:)))
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