Today "plumb" it does not "seal" is checked;)
Well I reckon it's more subtle than I thought. I finally finished it today at all ... Perhaps the next meeting?
To begin we must nail two boards on a wooden work (ultimately it is not quite my board?;)). They are profiled in> an edge to avoid damaging the lead that comes cons. These 2 boards provide the right angle of the window. Then
we put a strip of lead on each stick (size of the window + 2-3 cm). And we can begin to assemble and lead glass. One attack angle. We must reflect on the path of the lead strips. After 3 pieces of glass that gives it:
As the glass cup in the "low" lead, we must put a nail into each piece ... nail being removed as we go into the next room ... AC serves to keep the window up ... Not even afraid to drive nails cons pieces of glass:))
tools is simple, a lead strip profile H. It is sold in flat roll a few times (he must be careful well unroll flat spin and if it is bloody). A piece of string to measure and report the size of the lead tape to prepare.
After the thing must be blue in the picture (a spacer?) To fully implement the right lead, the 2 sides. As is soft, it deteriorates quickly ... and glass should go in without problem.
We use the knife to cut the lead, but also to open it there or there are crossings. As a lead goes in the other, it takes a little crush the first with the flat of the knife, and it takes a little away by the second lever. It still uses the knife to cut pieces of lead that exceed once they are caught between 2 glasses.
At the end of the session I was there:
By cons must wash their hands after (the lead is not good for health). Maybe I'll put the gloves next time.
A Sunday ... for new adventures! (And hopefully a little soldering)
Well I reckon it's more subtle than I thought. I finally finished it today at all ... Perhaps the next meeting?
To begin we must nail two boards on a wooden work (ultimately it is not quite my board?;)). They are profiled in> an edge to avoid damaging the lead that comes cons. These 2 boards provide the right angle of the window. Then
we put a strip of lead on each stick (size of the window + 2-3 cm). And we can begin to assemble and lead glass. One attack angle. We must reflect on the path of the lead strips. After 3 pieces of glass that gives it:
tools is simple, a lead strip profile H. It is sold in flat roll a few times (he must be careful well unroll flat spin and if it is bloody). A piece of string to measure and report the size of the lead tape to prepare.
We use the knife to cut the lead, but also to open it there or there are crossings. As a lead goes in the other, it takes a little crush the first with the flat of the knife, and it takes a little away by the second lever. It still uses the knife to cut pieces of lead that exceed once they are caught between 2 glasses.
At the end of the session I was there:
By cons must wash their hands after (the lead is not good for health). Maybe I'll put the gloves next time.
A Sunday ... for new adventures! (And hopefully a little soldering)
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