Monday, January 31, 2011
Milena Velba At Home Packing
Here is a bold and intelligent effort to give our children a chance to live in the 21 st century. The headmistress of my son should be inspired. it would be beneficial for children learning to read and write on the tool they may use in their lives. It's fun for kids is attractive, it's alive and it has the merit of them learn in a context of exchange and interaction. I love children and also, surely. My little boy, Taomey no exception to the rule, his first words after his name, he wrote on my computer by typing MJ (Fe king of pop! Course) I told him today the letters and writes only on the keyboard. And when we are before a sheet of paper, it works exactly the same. He managed to trace the letters with ease and enthusiasm. The keyboard has not removed the ability and desire for all that.
What I like about this teacher's initiative, it is this willingness to stop hiding behind his little finger and get into the thick of it. It teaches them the coup was to use the Internet and can directly give them a good foundation to start. Starting with security:
not give his name
not give his age
not put his picture anywhere
not give his address
These are reflexes that are of a priority now face the dangers and predators of the canvas. Hadopi Lops and do not protect our children, only education is the tool we will make them, teach them a responsible attitude to Internet and tics in general. Yet it must be, be well trained in the tool, and there .....
The training I think the Internet should go through this kind of initiative from an early age. The teacher is there to monitor and ensure the benevolence, good attitude of the student, and education on the dangers of today and tomorrow's opportunity.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Statler And Waldorf Gnome
"Alongside fools, misfits, rebels, troublemakers around in circles, those who see things differently. They do not follow the rules, and they did not respect for the Status Quo.
you may or may not agree with them, by glorifying or vilifying them, but the only thing you can not do is ignore them. Because 'they change things, they push humanity forward.
And while some may see them like crazy, we see genius!
because people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are those that change!! "
Apple Inc.
I'm posting this for the message with which I agree with 10000 for 100. I even think that the advertiser itself, Apple could look this message again, wondering if his policy is still in agreement with that, at the hour of the open source and wikileaks.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Microgynon And Diarrhoes
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why Does My Screen Name Keep Changing
To all the people who still need someone to sing
Davy Sicard is clearly one of my Pearl 2010!
I discovered this summer in an iPod of my dancers and I immediately hooked up with this artist from the island of Reunion, where it is becoming a National pride (if one can say that for a department).
Monday, January 24, 2011
Facebook Posting Numbers
Laptop Cases 15 Inch Juicy Coutour
Alchemy Ucka: Učka Ilolo Ludovic, a new professor at The Just standing sc ... : "I am the last few days, the new player learning mode Just the choreography school standing. And this ... "
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Turn Canned Diced Tomatoes Into Cruched
Jean-François Cope with Youth Popular:
"Be creative, bold and courageous"
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Astral Travel And Silver Cord

Here's one of my greatest choreographic inspiration. Pina Bausch was also what I call a great artist " ORGANIC " . Someone who knew how to work the living matter without making it sterile or automated. If there is one which I liked getting to know before she leaves she is good. I think the best known artists are often those who have worked better about their art, or those who have had more luck, but not necessarily always the most talented. And Then there are a few that are truly pure WIZARDS whose success is trivial compared to what they bring to humanity. Pina Bausch is a clear illustration, in my opinion. The English filmmaker Pedro Almodovar never makes a mistake elsewhere in the unveiling to the public in 2001 with his film "Talk to Her " where she performed her piece, a true reference type "Café Müller . The end of the movie below is also signed Pina Bausch.
It was in a sort of nod to his research and his work that I humbly defines my own research with scenic People ... as "Dance Theatre".
The fact that today some, a small minority, thankfully, are still asking the question: "The people ... is dance or theater?" Shows how his approach had to be revolutionary and shocking at the time.
His approach has always deeply affected. The border between reality and image, between experience and suggested. This thin border, This thread on which all my work on stage is built, this line we are taking thousands of times with the same feeling in your stomach each time. This line that we cross with the same attention each time to not get lost completely and remain in the field of art rather than that of naturism. This woman did this with a virtuosity and a rare talent. His death in June 2009 had been "somewhat masked" by the death of another king, one of the POPs. Yet it was a "GREAT" which started a "VERY BIG", "A QUEEN" which should certainly make the stars dance now.
Although his career was in a very academic she was not provided. It defined, itself, the roots of his art in his childhood, having grown into a bar, she had learned by observing humans, hidden under a table. The war also marked a lot and taught him the urgency of life that is felt so strongly in his work and his stage presence. Younger, the story of her childhood had really touched and even more convinced that there is no school choreographer. Or rather, there are many, but none will learn the art of Choreographing the organic. None of them teach you how to set in motion the secret son that activate the living when necessary and right. None of them will teach you to summon the VITAL that is in you, you do not learn to speak the essential language of the soul. No, No! For this, the only school that I know of is life itself!
Living foremost. LIVING C 'is already in. So Let's dance, live and celebrate it at every moment.
PINA - Dance, dance, we are lost OTHERWISE from neueroadmovies we Vimeo.
And Wim Wenders came to shoot a film lecture. In view of the trailer, it looks terribly awful this history! In 2008, he had already announced his desire to make a film about the German choreographer, then fate decided otherwise . I am more than happy to see this movie finally sees the day this year. It will be presented for the first time at the Berlinale 2011, Berlin Film Festival. Its release in France appears to be for April.
For The alchemist I'm the "next level" of dance film in 2009 was the idea and realization of the magnificent "Turn It Loose" . In light of this trailer, it looks like it'll be enough "evolutionary" this case! I look forward to the release of the Paris tower Magic: The Resurrection of Pina Bausch, 3 years after his death! 3D.
Amateur Surgeon Iphone Bugs

Violence is now present everywhere, it makes life difficult for all of humanity.
Whether in everyday family relationships or business or on a larger scale interactions in political, economic or social violence arises from the lack of kindness towards oneself and others.
We invite you to circulate it quoting the source. Copyright © 2002
Alchymed Productions inc.
All rights reserved.
Spectacles Remove Lesar Surgery
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Seating For A Wedding On A Mirror

The ten strategies for handling mass - Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky has compiled a list of ten strategies for handling issues through the media for his comments. Without speaking for Chomsky, it seems that Machiavellianism necessary to implement its strategies is not always true of a political clique to another, without a priori distinction of belonging to the left or right. All of these strategies is part of the state system "not matter who is in power, every government will amend how the intensity level of a particular approach. Control of a significant portion of the media is obviously a prerequisite for this to work, whether by direct appointment of directors or cronyism. ..... (more ...)
source: Ze Rhubarb Blog
Photo credit Noam Chomsky: chris saunders
Stinky Urine Brown Discharge
Finally fortunately there are mistakes to remind us what "human being" and that things are done and exist outside of us. they are manifested in our mistakes, slipping in a few few flaws in our certainties and our ego s.
Our world, based on thought, we believe that we have mastered the outside world. Nonetheless, it was our mistakes that we are closer to the truth. Our truth is only what we perceive the truth that it is infinite. When we deceive unintentionally open the door to other truths of this world. We leave the illusion of our virtual world based on our simple human thought. We have to accept mastery and control than in it. We do not control the elements and dimensions by example.
Global warming is even more dramatic for us as for life in isolation. The destruction of the planet will bring life can be in the form we know it but something else certainly born here or elsewhere. Without us and everything we like, maybe, but the universe and what lies beyond will continue to race either, we are still there or not.
We are nothing. our time of existence on this planet, if time exists to measure a macroscopic scale. So make a mistake, learn to accept something other than just our will is accept that our brain is so extraordinary he can not understand all the aspects and dimensions of a thing is to learn to accept the greatest master that is, life itself. To err
correctly for me would just accept the error, like the information we provide them and the qualities like humility, that we offer at this time.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Car Leasing Special Offers

Mode 2 is one of the designers painter, graffiti artist, who inspired me most in my drawing and my studies in graphic art! Here's what he had in 2009. I'm still fascinated by his line and the unique way that has to breathe life and movement has its characters through angles absolutely brilliant! The chair is always present and is represented, and the erotic images it creates is only strengthened. So much so that we would end up forgetting the potentiality of his characters, as they eventually forget, for example, he painted it, above, a simple assembly of cardboard!
here here some pictures of the exhibition 'Reality, Fantasy, And The Web' he had in 2009 in Newcastle and which comes to this table.
This exhibition contains erotic images "Parental Guidance"!
Vegeta And Bulma Pregnant
Monday, January 17, 2011
Silver Solution A Remedy For Bv

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!". It's the old adage that says so. Well according to some scientific studies, eating an apple a day keeps the oncologist also.
A study published by the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki reveals that consumers of apples and onions grow 20% fewer lung cancers than others. The difference can reach 46% for people who eat a lot.
The apple would be an ally cons ... (Read more )Source:
Sample Community Service Letter Template
Here's another article on the topic of education that seems to echo my own questions about topic
call muzzled
I have long been thinking about what I was told @ nathcouz last November, about these high school kids who n 'dare to speak in class. They are more than twenty in a room and it looks like they are only five or six, since it is always the same daring to speak openly or actively participate. This phenomenon seems apparent even in the best classes. I wonder about this strategic withdrawal or the deliberate silence: is it only apparent shyness?
course there are young people who monopolize the floor and ... (read more)source: eclectico
Lorna Morgan Free 2010
So here I am freshly commissioned by La Juste Debout school to teach the "next generation" how to choreograph. "After the first court, two weeks ago that The same good old questions back to me. Namely: How
make them grasp the best interest of what I tell them? how to optimum learning situation? how to put them in a learning situation fluid , where learning takes place in action and benevolence? how to get them to be confident enough, and make me confident enough to dare to seek their own answers through the situations they face in court?
So quickly is the question of the deafening silence of some students! Which brings me back to my own school! I remember large periods of non-participation, rather recurring in time. What is the least surprising given how the act of learning is a passion for me today! So he was happening to me at the time!
some talk about the shyness of the students, the other pressure other students or, especially, non interest subjects. Yet none of these reasons, although true to a large extent, not fully satisfy me.
Although I am now a dance teacher who teaches at a school dance, I can feel exactly the same attitudes that exist in the teaching of more general subjects. A school is a school and it ultimately benefits the method that fundamentally differentiate one from another.
While everything can happen, a pupil at a school dance International Hip Hop, there is generally no accident. There is no reason that he is not interested in what he learns. Yet the same attitudes manifest themselves face to my questions and my request for participation. "This is just the beginning!" Some will say, "they are relaxed a bit after!" Yes, sure! For some, but the other will not budge one bit if I'm not looking for them in their trenches!

My question about the participation or non-participation of students in class is:
Shyness, Student attitudes between them and the group more generally, they are actually Main causes of mutism in some class? Is it not already there, the symptoms of something else rather than the causes?
The relationship has much to do but the very way of conceiving what a learning seems equally questionable to me! For example, it appears to me more and more eloquent than the duo "+ penalty assessment " lead has mental paradigms based on the comparison and trial.
I am always surprised that this works in strange spring in students: Some people come to learn who will not go wrong. Thus the shame or fear to be considered "stupid" have paralyzed whole generations of students, transforming them into creatures psychologically strange Learners wishing to appear to know already! Thus a student who does not speak in class is also certainly a student who self-censorship, Because the trial involved the presentation of the class teacher and himself.
If he is mistaken in his statement, if it shows openly his ignorance or incompetence, the trial of other students and teachers can persuade him that being ignorant is not normal. It may thus take it to be thought incapable of learning show abnormal since this method when it is taught categorically is presented as the norm. Yet as explained very well Sir Ken Robinson , this method of learning related to a traditional system inherited from the Industrial Revolution, aims to train students had some form of productivity which, in addition to being increasingly unsuited to the times in which we live, literally killing the creativity of students.
This aspect of the educational method based on evaluation culminating in a note of congratulations or punissions, seems to me to convey the insidious message:
Te wrong is a bad thing, not knowing is shameful, not to succeed is wrong!
Therefore what we do not teach him but the student soon learns, is to protect themselves. Some real clowns in becoming known as "disruptive", while others become what some teachers call "insolent", refusing to admit their mistakes even coarser, others by becoming a real "bluffers" simulating knowledge that they actually do not have, and some simply becoming dumb and whose wishes the most expensive, is at this moment, to be invisible.
Students develop ingenuity in their behavior to avoid exposure to being what they are in fact ignorant. Lunacy! Learn how to fully and calmly if one does not live peacefully in his obvious ignorance. The fact of "not knowing" should be celebrated as the chance to have a lot to discover errors should also be performed and analyzed as they are: information that allows us to make discoveries and at the same time, bringing us closer to our goal. Make an error is to learn what is not fair, so that is indeed part of the learning process! Above all, this is not fair, is not in a given context, and could become the right answer in a different context. Condemn the errors by referring brutally and systematically in dark corners or under the carpet, do not allow us to do anything other than embarrassing things at the same place where these errors could be the resource for questions and future situations.
Questions should also be celebrated because they are only the result of these basic premises that we can learn! If we know things already, in fact, learning does not occur. Whoever was wrong finally know ten times more things than one who has never been wrong. the greatest discoveries are also often accidental. The famous case of Isaac Newton discovered law of universal gravitation after an apple has fallen from a tree by accident, before his eyes, is a perfect example. One can easily imagine that the spirits are, especially, minds free enough to leave the only principle of learning through learning traditional and hierarchical. These are people who saw a way of learning and discovery in their mistakes and blunders. What actually do school and, more generally, adults, young minds when they amputate their possibility of being wrong?
The Silence of the students seems to me to be an excellent indicator of the nonsense of the traditional education system. We may use non-violent communication Marshall Rosenberg as we want. This will clean up some of the relationships between students but not the context in which they operate, itself based on a paradigm competition.