Monday, November 29, 2010

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Employers recruiting in Quebec

Resume in hand, immigration project in mind, hundreds of French people are pressed, the 16 to 18 November to meet with recruiters present Quebec Destination Canada Job Forum which was held in Paris.

Over 400 positions were offered in areas with strong demand in Quebec as computing, engineering, catering, hospitality and health. Among the fifteen Quebec recruiters to fill vacancies were CGI, Dessau, Fujitsu Consulting, and Recruitment Health Desjardins Quebec.

The engineering firm Dessau sought in France "engineers with expertise rare in North America, for example in the rail sector that is much more developed in Europe," said Human Resources Advisor, Aurélie Gallo. The company also coveted geologists and geotechnical engineers ready to settle in the regions of Quebec.

indispensable partner of the event, Quebec Immigration Office provided, as he does every day in his Paris office, all the necessary information to potential recruits in regard to administrative procedures to undertake . The team helped as candidates for expatriation to find, depending on their age, and project needs, the most appropriate solution between temporary work permits and permanent residence.

In the crowd, we met a young couple who plans to emigrate to Quebec in June He is an engineer and computer network system, she kinesiologist. Their experience at the Forum was somewhat different. He was already able to have interviews with two firms operating in information technology. "Quebec needs of IT professionals specializing in all sectors of its industry and France as much," said Erik Sadiki Jalil, director of employment center international partner of the event. For

the young woman, the road to employment looks a bit longer. At the booth of Health Recruitment Quebec, we have indeed warned that his profession was governed by a professional order in Quebec. The process of applying equivalence will therefore be undertaken even before the kinesiologist can start your job search. This occupation has not signed a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) as part of the Quebec-France for the recognition of professional qualifications , concluded in 2008. It aims to reduce the burden for the recognition of qualifications for workers than sixty regulated trades and professions.

Government of Quebec, 2010

Morgane BRAVO

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

рампу для Tech Deck

France * * The composition of the new French government Fillon

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* F. Fillon: the honor to continue to serve France *

The President of the Republic continues governance in continuity with ministers renewed but with significant departures like those of Jean-Louis Borloo, Bernard Kouchner, ; Rama Yade or Eric Woerth.


Prime Minister Francois Fillon


Alain Juppe: Minister of State, Minister of Defense and Veterans
Michele Alliot-Marie, Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet: Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Housing
Michel Mercier: Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice and Civil Liberties
Hortefeux: Minister of the Interior, Overseas, Local Authorities and Immigration
Christine Lagarde: Minister Economy, Finance and Industry
Xavier Bertrand: Minister for Labour, Employment and Health Luc Chatel
: Minister of National Education, Youth and Community Life
Baroin: Minister of Budget, Public Accounts, the Civil Service and State Reform, carriers government spokesman
Valerie Pécresse: Minister of Higher Education and Research
Bruno Le Maire: Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, Rural Affairs and Planning Frederic Mitterrand territory
: Minister of Culture and Communication
Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin: Minister of Solidarity and Social Cohesion Social
Maurice Leroy: Minister of the City
Chantal Jouanno: Sports Minister Patrick Ollier
: Minister to the Prime Minister for Relations with Parliament Eric Besson

: Minister to the Minister Economy, Finance and Industry, for Industry, Energy and the Digital Economy
Henry Raincourt: Minister to the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Europe, responsible for Cooperation
Philippe Richert: Minister to the Minister of the Interior, Overseas Local Authorities and immigration, in charge of local government
Laurent Wauquiez: Minister to the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, responsible for European Affairs Nadine Morano
: Minister to the Minister Labour, Employment and Health, which oversees the Apprenticeship and Training
Marie-Luce Penchard: Minister to the Minister of the Interior, Overseas and Territorial Communities Immigration, in charge of overseas
Secretaries of State

Pierre Lellouche, Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, responsible for foreign trade
Nora Berra, Secretary of State to the Minister of Labour, Employment and Health, for Health
Appeared Benoist, Secretary of State to the Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Housing for Housing
Georges Tron, Secretary of State to the Minister of Budget, Public Accounts, the Civil Service and State Reform, in charge of Public
Montchamp Marie-Anne, Secretary of State to the Minister for solidarity and social cohesion
Thierry Mariani, Secretary of State to the Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Housing, responsible for transport
Frédéric Lefebvre, secretary of State to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, responsible for trade, craft, small and medium enterprises, tourism, services, professional and consumer
Jeannette Bougrab, Secretary of State to the Minister of National Education, Youth and community life, responsible Youth and community life.

... LOOK!
Morgane BRAVO