is "change "...... Creamery
..... We left a lot to the west ......
So visit our new blog ..... Ta, ta, ta ,.... tsoin ....
you soon .....
No. 3
Fruit of "Anacardium occidentale"
Its kernel is edible and very tasty .... You probably know
N 4
may weigh up to 2 or 3 KG
pulp whitish, thick and slightly acidic.
Used in "juice"
Following the strong wave (which has made havoc on some tracks) custom to go camping on the beaches at Easter has anyway could happen .....
AND ...
Way ... to say the least "original" (!!!)
to "denounce" the shoplifting!
The hospital ... the time of his "glory" ...
2008 ..... And here is the result!
And yet, this place keeps an indefinable charm
From garden .... superb views of the mountains Caribbean